When navigating to the menu tab Leads you'll be able to see all email contacts across your entire involve.me organization in one place.
If you're interested in having a more detailed view of each one of your contacts, then make sure to check out the following article: Contact Details Card
Whenever you gather a participant's email by having a Contact Form within your funnel, it will get added to the organization-wide contact list. If it's a recurring participant and the contact already exists, the entry will get updated with a new submission and funnel count.
You can currently work with contacts within a set of actions, such as:
Searching for individual contacts by email address,
Adding and removing tags individually and in bulk (by selecting multiple contacts),
Filtering by tags, either by selecting a tag from the dropdown or clicking on one,
Importing contacts (via file upload or by copy and pasting them),
Deleting contacts individually or in bulk.
Each contact features additional information regarding:
The number of submissions across all funnel within your whole organization,
The number of funnels the contact has participated in,
If they are subscribed, i.e. have proactively opted in for your conditions,
The date the contact was first created and added to the list,
The date the contact was seen last participating in a funnel.
Should you have further questions, please contact support.