This article will help you to better understand what this limit consists of, and if it is something that applies to you. Perhaps you already got a message informing you about it, just as you were about to publish a project.
Make sure to keep reading so that you can have your questions answered.
How Does the Live Project Limit Work?
Live projects are projects that you have already published. Once live, a project can be shared via its URL, QR code or embedded on your website.
The live project limit is based on the plan that you are currently subscribed to:
Free Plan: 3 live projects
Basic Plan: 5 live projects
Pro Plan: 15 live projects
Business Plan: 30 live projects
Agency Plan: 100 live projects
This limitation is at an organization level, so all workspaces within your organization are subject to the live project limitation of your plan.
If you require additional live projects beyond what the Agency Plan includes, kindly contact our support team to discuss higher-tier plan alternatives.
What Should I Do if I Reach the Live Project Limit?
If you have reached the live project limit, you will become unable to publish any more projects. If you try to go ahead and attempt a publication anyway, you'll be prompted with the following message popup.
Like the message states, you will need to either upgrade to a paid plan in order to get more projects, or deactivate one your projects in order to publish a new one.
Depending on your situation, you might have to end more than just one project.
For example, on the Free plan you need to ensure that you're left with only 2 live projects or less - this will ensure you're below the 3 live project limit, which will allow you to publish your next project while staying on the free plan.
The live project limitation varies by plan, so you'll need to work around that if you ever reach the maximum amount that your plan allows for.
Going Back to the Free Plan
If you're currently on a paid plan and have more live projects than the plan you want to downgrade to allows for, then it is advisable that you first check the limit of your new plan, then select which projects should be left published and manually end the rest.
Otherwise, the system will automatically deactivate all of your projects, except for the last ones that you published.
If you need more projects to be published, consider upgrading to a higher subscription tier or reach out to our support team for more information.