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Transfer Data Between Projects
Transfer Data Between Projects

Learn How to Pass Collected Data Across Projects

Sara avatar
Written by Sara
Updated over a week ago

Passing data from one project to another can be especially useful if you're looking to have a landing page that redirects participants to other quizzes/external URLs.

Or you can do something more complex, like having a quiz with several sections, where each section has a different result that the participant can get and then show the participant the results of all sections they went through in the final Thank You / Outcome page.

With the use of Hidden Fields and Answer Pipping, you can do just that. Keep reading to learn more about it.

How It Works

Let's say we have 2 project, Quiz_A and Quiz_B.

This method works by using a custom URL redirect in order to send the participant over to Quiz_B. This URL we'll use (Quiz_B's URL) will have to be customized (with parameters and variables) so that the data you collected in Quiz_A can be transferred over to Quiz_B.

You can use one of the following methods to redirect your participants.

Pick the one that best fits your needs:

Step 1. Create Hidden Fields

The first thing you'll want to do is create hidden fields on Quiz_B.

All the variables sent from Quiz_A must be declared in order for Quiz_B to receive data from them, and this will be done by adding one hidden field for each variable.

So lets say you want to pass the participant's first name and email address onto Quiz_B. In that case you'll need to create two hidden fields - one hidden field for the first name and another for the email address.

ℹ️ Check out this help article if you're not familiar with how hidden fields work.

In this example, we'll want to pass the participant's answer from Question 1 and also their calculator result (from Quiz_A) onto Quiz_B.

To do this we'll start by creating our first hidden field and picking the option "Custom parameter". By default, the parameter's name will be "field" but we'll change it to "q1" so we know this is Question 1. We'll do the same for the second hidden field but we'll name it "ca" for calculator.

Make sure to save the URL parameter preview, we'll need it in step 3.

ℹ️ When using "Custom parameter" hidden fields, you can name the parameters anything you want, we're just using "q1" and "ca" for ease of explaining.

Step 2. Find the Variables for the Data You Want to Transfer

In the next step we'll make use of Answer Piping. Since we want to pass the data from Question 1's and the calculator result in Quiz_A, we'll need to find their variables.

In order to see the complete list of variables, you can just click on the "+ Add answers & data" button in Quiz_A, while in the Thank You page or one of the outcome pages.

This button appears above each question/heading text box inside the editor, like so:

In the above screenshot we can see the variables with the curly brackets on the right side. The variable for Question 1's answer is {{928jv1n}} and for the calculator's result it's {{ca_s2g5bgm}}.

Make sure to take note of the variables for the data that you want to transfer, as you'll need them for the next step.

Step. 3 Setting up Your Redirect URL

Start by fetching the URL of Quiz_B. You can find it in the "Share & Embed" page of your project, once you have published it. Its format should look like this:

The next step will be to add the URL parameter preview that we saved in Step 1, to the end of your URL, so it will look something like this:

What we just did was essentially add the parameters to the URL.

Now the next step will be to substitute the "INPUT" on your URL, with the variables you saved in Step 2. The final URL should look like this once you're done:{{928jv1n}}&ca={{ca_s2g5bgm}}

That's it! The URL can now pass data from Quiz_A to Quiz_B, and Quiz_B is also ready to receive that data. The data from Quiz_A will be available in Quiz_B via the use of Answer Piping.

💡 Good to Know

Before adding your parameters and variables to a URL, make sure to always add a "?" sign at the end of that URL. Then to separate your parameters/variable pairs from each other use "&". You can see this exemplified in Step 3.

Using the Link of Where Your Project Is Embedded Instead of the URL

If you have your projects embedded in different pages of your website, then you can choose to use the URL of the page where Quiz_B is embedded, instead of using the URL of the project itself.

As an example, this would be the link to the page where Quiz_A is embedded:

And this would be link to the page where Quiz_B is embedded, plus the parameters and variables we added.{{email}}&q1={{f18d8ug}}

By using the same syntax (parameters and variables mentioned in Step 3) you can transfer data this way too.

Pass a Calculator’s Result Over to Another Project via Custom URL Redirect

When using a custom URL redirect on a Thank You or Outcome page, you probably noticed that as soon as you add the URL and click "Save", everything that was on that page "disappears" and now only the URL is displayed.

In truth, everything that you had on the page (like a calculator) is still there, it's just that it's not visible anymore. But even if the calculator is not visible, it is still there working on the background, so you can easily pass its result to over via the URL parameters as we showed above.

So what we recommend here, is to get the calculator and its formula set up before you add the URL redirect, and if it turns out you need to do some changes to the calculation, this is as easy as removing the redirect so you can work on the formula again.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact support.

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