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How to Collect Personal Information (Names, Email, ...)
How to Collect Personal Information (Names, Email, ...)

Use the “Contact Form” Element to Save Personal Data

Adrian avatar
Written by Adrian
Updated over a week ago

In order to collect personal information from your participants, simply add a "Contact Form" element to one of your project's pages. 

The Contact Form element can be added to any page, except the final pages ("Thank You" or outcome pages).

You can add, delete, change and reorder the fields from the Contact Form as necessary.

Data That This Element Can Collect

Here's the list of fields you can add to the Contact Form for collecting personal information:

  • Title

  • First name

  • Last name

  • E-Mail

  • Gender

  • Birthday

  • Organization name

  • Job title

  • Street address

  • Zip code

  • City

  • State

  • Country

  • Phone

  • Mobile

  • Fax

  • Website

  • Social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn)

The personal data collected from these form fields is handled differently from other data. Personal data can be set to be saved separately from responses via the project settings, to comply with privacy requirements.

To add terms and conditions or newsletter opt-in checkboxes, please use the "Opt-In Checkbox" content element.

Additional Fields

Can't find the field you need?

If the above fields from the Contact Form aren't cutting it for you, then you can you can add custom fields by either using the option "Custom Form Labels" or go with Free Text Input elements instead.

Contact Form on the Thank You/Outcome Page

It is not possible to add a Contact Form element to a Thank You or outcome page.

However a possible workaround for this would be to connect two projects. The idea is to pass the data from project A, onto project B which will then have the contact form. This article here explains how the process works and how to set it up: How to Collect Further Data After a Submission Is Completed


You can choose the language you want for the field descriptions and the error messages that are shown to users. By default, the language is set to English, but you can change it via the project settings page, under the "General Settings" section.

Click here for more information on how to change the default language of a project. You'll also find an updated list containing all the languages we currently support.

Analyze Data

Personal data is available to be browsed and searched in the "Personal Data" tab on your project's Analytics page. In your exports, data from the form fields is shown in the CSV export among with other key metrics. The XLS Export option contains all questions, answers and data from participants.

All data collected by the Contact Form element is available to be used in any of our native integrations or your Zapier integration.

Good to Know

  • Participant data is only saved after your user reaches the final page of your project ("Thank you" page or outcome page).

  • Make sure to always have a "Button" element in the same page as your Contact Form, so the participant can continue to the next page.

  • You can only use each Contact Form field once. A second Contact Form element using the same field will override the previous entry (adding multiple Contact Form elements and using different fields works).

    • If you need to collect personal data from more than one person, please use Free Text Input elements or place a restart button on the last page to make the participant fill out the form again for another person.

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