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Zapier Integration

Connect Your Funnels to 5.000+ Apps and Web Services

Sara avatar
Written by Sara
Updated over 3 months ago

Available on

❌ Free

✅ Basic

✅ Pro

✅ Business

Connect to Zapier to send participant entries to 5.000+ apps and web services.

If you want to test the integration before committing to a paid plan, you can do so by registering for a free 14-day trial.

How to Connect or Disconnect Zapier

Connecting Zapier

You can connect the integration either by navigating to the "Integrations" tab in the navbar or by opening the dropdown menu of your funnel's card and selecting "Connect" - then just click "Connect" on Zapier's card.

In order to connect the integration, you'll need to login to your Zapier account first.

ℹ️ In order to use Zapier integrations, you will need to sign up for a free Zapier account.

Once you have logged in, you'll be prompted to create a new Zap if this is the first time connecting Zapier to

Click "Create Zap" and start by choosing "" as your trigger and "New Completed Submission" as the event. Next, you'll need to connect Zapier to your account - click "Sign in" and pick the organization that has the funnel(s) you want to connect to Zapier, so you can use them in Zaps.

You can pick more than one organization. Any organizations you're not the owner of, will be greyed out and cannot be selected.

Once you're done just click "Authorize". Bear in mind that it can sometimes take a while for this step to go through, just give it a few seconds and this pop-up should close on its own. You should then be able to see the organization(s) you picked.

Continue onto the next step, where you will be prompted to pick the funnel you want to use on this Zap. The funnels on this dropdown are ordered from last updated, so the funnel that was most recently updated will be at the top of the list. You can also search for the funnel name as well.

The next step will be to test the trigger. If the test is successful, you'll just need to pick a completed submission and your Zap's trigger will be set. The last step will be to chose and set up an action that the Zap should take.

Once you're all done just publish your Zap and that's it! Zapier is now connected to your funnel.

Disconnecting Zapier

There's two possible ways to disconnect Zapier for your funnel.

You can either go to your funnel's integrations page (the "Connect" page), click Zapier's dropdown and then select "Delete from funnel".

Or you can just turn off the Zap in Zapier, that will also disconnect Zapier from your funnel.

Setting up a Zap - Zapier Legacy

Get your Zapier connection key from the integrations screen and use it to set up your Zap.

Once you've entered the key, you will need to create a new test submission on your funnel in order to have a sample available for Zapier to fetch when the Zap is being set up. Just open your funnel and click it through until the end page is reached (thank you page or outcome page) in order to create a test submission.

ℹ️ "Zapier Legacy" refers to the previous version of our Zapier integration (before 23/04/2024), which works a bit differently from the new one. We will discontinue the legacy integration in due time, and we'll make sure to notify in advance anyone who is still using it so that there's enough time to make the switch.

What Data Can Be Synced

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email address

  • Personal data collected with the Contact Form element

    • Title

    • Gender

    • Birthday

    • Address

    • etc.

  • Question answers

    • Multiple Choice

    • Image Answer

    • Dropdown

    • Rating

    • Slider

    • Checkbox

  • Funnel name

  • Result of the first calculator element

  • Other calculator results (calculator id)

  • Outcome (if the funnel uses multiple outcomes)

  • Outcome points

  • Score

  • Anonymized IP address

  • Timestamp

  • Country code

  • Remote ID

  • Embed URL

Good to Know


  • The new Zapier version works similarly to our other integrations, meaning it takes roughly 30 seconds to 2 minutes to receive submission data in Zapier.

  • When setting up your Zaps you won't be able to see funnels that have the old legacy Zapier key. In order for these funnels to show up, you'll need to deactivate the key first.

  • The integration will stop working when your subscription is cancelled and has ended.

Zapier Legacy

  • Only new submissions are sent to the integration after you created your Zapier Connection key.

  • Zapier will check for new data to fetch every 15 minutes in their Free and Starter plan and every 5 minutes in their Professional plan and higher.

  • If you have configured a Zapier integration on a funnel and you duplicate said funnel, your integration settings will duplicate as well. This does NOT include your Zapier connection key.

  • The key needs to be generated for the duplicated funnel and a new Zap should be created with the new key.

Opt-in Checkbox and GDPR

In order to be fully GDPR compliant, you will need to tick the option "Only trigger integration when opt-in checkbox element was selected" on your integration's settings and add a dedicated opt-in checkbox that sends data over to the integration, to your funnel.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set it up.

If GDPR is of no concern to you, then you can skip this step.

Testing the Integration

Once the integration has been set up and connected to your funnel, it will be time to test it in order to ensure everything is working as intended, learn how to do it here.


If the integration status shows up as successful in the "Responses" tab of the Analytics, but the submissions are not appearing at the destination, check the history in Zapier:

It might be that the destination App is preventing the submission from reaching them.

Below is an example of this scenario, where Mailchimp does not accept a lead with the test email domain:

Frequently Asked Questions

"What is the difference between a ZAP and a Connection?"

Whenever you connect one of your funnels to Zapier, that is a Connection.

A Zap is whenever you use Zapier to connect your funnel to another app (like MailChimp for example).

You can only have one connection per funnel, but several Zaps per connection.

ℹ️ Tip - Rename your Zaps to identify the funnel they are connected to.

Check your Zaps at

ℹ️ Tip - Rename your Connections to identify the accounts they are connected to. The name of the organizations that the connection is using will also be listed below.

"Can I apply conditions to the submissions coming from"

If you want to define a specific action based on some conditions (The Outcome for example), use the "Paths" functionality in Zapier (note that "Paths" is a Zapier premium feature).

"Paths" allows you to set up various actions depending on the content of the submission retrieved from In the example above, different outcomes trigger different actions. For instance:

  • If Outcome 1, send the lead to Mailchimp

  • If Outcome 2, send the lead to Hubspot

For more information about “Paths”, please contact Zapier or check the article:

If you still have any questions, please feel free to contact our support team.

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