Whenever you create a new funnel from scratch or a template, you can select from three possible types:
Thank You page
Answer-based Outcome
Score-based Outcome
The Thank You page funnel type only has one page at the end, while Answer-based and Score-based outcome funnels have multiple outcome pages.
Thank You and Outcome pages are the last pages in your funnel, in order words: they're the results page that participants get, so it's important to make sure they always get there.
Thank You Page Funnels
Since Thank You page funnels only have one single results page at the end, they are best suited for situations where you want every participant to get to the same results page, like in an online form for example.
This is the most simple funnel type, out of all three that involve.me offers.
Multiple Outcome Funnels
In a Multiple Outcome funnel, each participant reaches a dedicated outcome page.
There are two types of multiple outcome funnels "Answer-based Outcomes" and "Score-based Outcomes".
Continue reading below to find out more about these funnel types.
Answer-based Outcomes
In an answer-based funnel, there’s no right or wrong answer, so they are best for profiling, like in a personality test for example.
Each answer adds points to the outcome it has been mapped to, and the outcome with the most points is shown to the participant at the end.
See more at Answer-based Outcomes
Score-based Outcomes
Score-based funnels are well suited to present the participant with a grade. This is ideal for graded quizzes for instance.
Each answer adds points to a single score. An outcome is assigned to any part of the resulting range.
For example, lets say that these are the score ranges you set up:
Low EQ: up to 10 points
Ok EQ: 10,01 to 20 points
High EQ: 20,01 or more
With these ranges, if the participant gets 25 points, then they'll get the outcome "High EQ", because they fall on its score range.
See more at Score-based Outcomes
For more information on scores, check the article: How Are Scores Calculated?
⚠️ Always make sure that your participants can reach the final page in your funnel. This will be either the Thank You page, or one of your Outcome pages if you have an Answer-based/Score-based Outcome funnel.
If participants cannot reach the final page in a funnel, this will result in partial submissions. Partial submissions will not allow your integrations to trigger, and it will impact how the data can be collected/viewed in your funnel's analytics.
Partial submissions also can only be revealed if you're on the Business plan or higher.