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Edit Account Settings

How to Update Your User Name, Email, Password, and Your Timezone Settings

Adrian avatar
Written by Adrian
Updated over a year ago

You can edit your Account Settings by going to the dropdown on your Name / Organization and selecting "Your Profile".

In the editing screen, you can update your username (first and last name), change your email, password, and your timezone settings.

ℹ️ About the Timezone: Wherever possible we will show you the date/time about what is happening on the platform in your local timezone, this is specifically important for submission analytics.

To update your avatar image, please sign in at Gravatar, we use their universal avatar for your account email.

Other information from the Profile page includes your role and plan level for each organization in the account.

The Profile page is also the place to update your notification settings. You can activate or deactivate the monthly analytics report and/or the partial submissions email reminder for the organization in use.

You can also delete your account and all associated data from our systems, by clicking the "Delete Account" button on the left side.

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