Only created a test account? No longer want your account?
You can delete your account and all associated data from our systems by marking it as deletable.
Navigate to your Profile page and click the button "Delete Account" on the left side.
Doing this will open a modal that shows you exactly what will be deleted, and when the deletion will take place. To proceed, simply enter your current password and click "Confirm Deletion".
Your account will then be deleted in 30 days.
โ ๏ธ If you have recently been on a paid plan, your account can only be marked to be deleted for a date 6 months after the end of your subscription.
Unable to Delete Account
If you're not able to delete your account, it might be due to one the following:
You currently have an active subscription.
Solution: You'll need to cancel your subscription first, in order to be able to delete the account.
You have custom fonts, extra custom domains or extra seats.
Custom Fonts - You can remove them manually here.
Extra Custom Domains - Deactivate your custom domain(s) by following the steps here. If you're paying for any of the custom domains as an add-on, please contact our support team for assistance.
Extra Seats - Remove all team members from your workspaces first. If you're paying for any of the seats as an add-on then contact our support team for assistance.
You signed up for your account using Google/Microsoft.
Solution: When signing up for an account using one of these services, you won't have a password set up. To fix this just simply do a password reset as explained here in this article.