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Create - Design and Customize Projects

Design and Customize Projects

Editor Content Elements OverviewElements You Can Place on Your Pages
Project and Page Design OptionsSet Backgrounds, Fonts and Colors for All Elements, the Project or Each Page
How to Change Project TypeChange the Project Type: Thank You Page, Answer-Based or Score-Based Outcomes
Editing a ProjectHow to Edit Draft and Published Projects
Page Transition SpeedChange the Speed at Which Pages Transition From One to Another
Show or Hide the Page Progress Bar and Page Navigation ButtonsChoose to Show or Hide Page Progress Bar, Page Numbers and Navigation Buttons
How to Collect Personal Information (Names, Email, ...)Use the “Contact Form” Element to Save Personal Data
How to Add Custom Fields to Contact FormsOr Expand the Capacity of the Contact Form Element With the Text Answer Element
Acquire User Consent With the Opt-in Checkbox ElementFor Newsletter Signups, Terms & Conditions or Integration Triggers
CAPTCHA Element to Block RobotsMake Sure Your Participants Are Real Humans With the Google reCAPTCHA or Cloudflare Turnstile Integrations
How to Add a “Skip This Step” Option to a Contact FormUsing the “Skip Required Fields” Feature
How to Randomize AnswersAdd an Element of Randomness to Your Surveys and Quizzes by Randomizing the Answers Order
Embed Videos in Your ProjectsUse YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, Spotlightr or Self-Hosted MP4 Videos
Using Logic JumpsLink Specific Answers to Different Pages of Your Project
Using Coupon CodesDistribute coupons codes for your products.
Accept File UploadsLet Users Attach Files to Their Submissions
Using CalculatorsCreate Embeddable Cost and Pricing Calculators for Your Website.
Decrease Default Paddings With the Spacer/Divider ElementYou Can Reduce Default Paddings by Adding a Spacer With Minimal Settings
Schedule Appointments ElementLets Your Participants Book an Appointment Within Your Project.
Using the Net Promoter Score® ElementCreate an NPS® Calculator
Widget Embed ElementThis element lets you embed a webpage or an iframe directly in your project.
How to Display a Loading Animation Before Showing ResultsPlease Wait, Results Are Being Calculated...
Working With the Instant Feedback OptionShow the Correct Answer Together With an Explanation Text to the Participant
How to Show All Outcome ScoresThe Outcome Distribution Can Be Shown Using Points or With Bar Charts as Percentages
How are Scores Calculated?Understanding and using the Score element
Ways to Show Your Participants Feedback on Their AnswersGive Instant Feedback, Show Different Pages or Provide an Overview of All Answers
Social Share and Social LinksUse Social Media Icons to Grow Your Audience and Customize the Way Your Project Looks When Shared Anywhere
Working With Page TimersSet a Time Limit for Your Questions and Forms
Project TimerSet Time Limits for Your Projects
Answer PipingPersonalize Follow-up Texts Using Participant Answers
Collect Payments From Your UsersEasily Receive One-Time Payments or Recurring Payments for a Submission Using Stripe, Mollie or PayPal
Set Your Own 'Thank You' Page Using Custom RedirectsWith Custom Redirects You Can Use Your Own URL Instead of the Thank You Page or Outcome Pages
E-Signature ElementLet Participants Sign Documents Seamlessly Within Your Project
AI Generated Text ElementAdd AI generated text to your projects, tailored to your content and personalized to your participants.
Custom Answer TextShow Custom Feedback to Your Participants Depending on the Answers They Picked
Conditional LogicUse Conditional Logic to Show or Hide Certain Content Elements
Custom CSSAdd Your Own CSS Code to Projects So Their Style Matches Your Website’s Unique Aesthetic

How to Change the Default Language for Your ProjectSet a Translation for Contact Form Fields and Error Messages
The WatermarkRemove the Watermark on Most Paid Plans
Send Custom Emails to ParticipantsSubmission Emails Can Be Set Up and Sent Straight From and Personalized With Submission Details You Just Collected
Receive Email Notifications for Each ParticipantAdd Up to 5 Emails to Be Notified Instantly
Share Projects as Templates With Other AccountsCopy Projects as Templates Between Accounts
Limit Multiple Submissions From the Same UserHow to Stop Users From Participating in Your Project More Than Once
Prevent Multiple Participations With the Same Email AddressPrevent Duplicate Email Entries
Password Protected ProjectsRestrict Access to Your Projects by Requiring a Password.
Email Validation OptionsValidate Email Formats or Prevent Disposable and Personal Emails
Phone Number Validation OptionsValidate Numbers, Prevent Duplicate Entries or Lock Them to a Specific Country Code
User Input Validation OptionsFind Out How to Validate Email Addresses, Phone Numbers, Values and Text Fields Entered by Participants.
Integrate a Support Chat Widget in your ProjectsLet Your Users Contact You in Real-Time Using Gist or Intercom
Tracking Options for Your ProjectTrack Your Project Conversions Using the Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager
Options to Deactivate a ProjectWays to Pause or End Your Project When the Time Is Right